
By Resilience. Photo by Eleanor Bennett

Maroon, black, chabine, arched in a sensually biting stature
Surrendered to you and your bittersweet words
Lover and victim
I’m to you an exotic fantasy.
Is it my skin or my words that tempt you?

Words that lost their meaning as your eyes sultrily caress me with their glaze.
Shut them down, I say.
But then your hands brush my skin and color me
A dash of blood red on my wrists
The print of your lips
A trace of dark blue on my neck
Your waterproof mascara
A splendid rainbow
As our garments merge on the floor
You and I and the sunset
This memory of us

Maroon, black, curved in a sensual stature
A holiday picture and nothing else
This ring you are wearing
This kissing that’s no longer mine
This palette of color flowing on the floor
Black swallowed by white
Blood red
Maroon, black, chabine, arched in a sensually biting stature?