Exquisite labor pains

I wonder if there is a masochistic kind of love in violence and whether that violence is the first spark of social conscience. If so, it is the kind that rips you from indolent existence toward consciousness. As Audre Lorde said, “The learning process is something you can incite, incite like a riot.”

I Have This Fear

I have this fear and it keeps my legs shaking. My heart beats faster when I think about it. If you were in the same shoes with me, would you feel different? Could you hope to

Des femmes africaines cultivent des formes nouvelles de résistance dans les cercles activistes

Par une fraîche journée d’automne, emmitouflée dans un pull trop grand, parée de bottes et d’une toque, je suis partie cueillir des pommes avec mes collègues. Le verger était grand et beau.