Unconditional Family

Being in an environment with people that I can call family, people who are like me, has been wonderful.

Knowing Our History To Redefine Family

I strongly believe that family should be based on principles of care, kindness, solidarity, and comfort.

Family: People Who Choose To Understand You

When I came out to my mom, it was the first time I was having a rift with these women who had been in my life and had always supported me.

Miss Diva: an artistic, cultural and political space for the trans* community in Togo

Q-zine had the privilege to speak with Kyky Da’Silveira, the first winner of Miss Diva, a prestigious trans* beauty pageant in Togo. By welcoming us into her world, Kyky not only shares her experience of a space that is as cultural as it is political, but she also invites us to imagine a world in which the cultural and artistic expression of the LGBTQIA+ communities of Africa and the diaspora is free and celebrated.

Who Changes The World In One Day?

There is an exercise that my partner always does, that she always gets me to do at the end of the day. She asks me to name three things I’m grateful for and one way I changed the world.

The Nameless Collective: Fostering queer artistic and cultural expression in Burkina Faso

If you were asked to name African LGBTQIA+ visual productions, you would surely be able to come up with a few. But what about productions from Francophone Africa specifically?

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